WGMD’S Bill Colley: Ugly, Unhinged and on the Record

WARNING: This post is NOT appropriate for children! You have been warned.

Every day from 3 to 7pm on WGMD, Sussex County talk show host Bill Colley has been waging a thuggish war against anyone who dares to speak out on his airwaves against Congressional candidate Glen Urquhart and Christine “they’re hiding in my bushes” O’Donnell.

But has Colley, who touts his unwavering Catholicism and moral values and who ends his daily broadcast with a Christian hymn waded into unholy waters (or is it waded EVEN FARTHER into unholy waters?) with his latest round of political vitriol? Let’s take a look:

In May of this year, Colley wrote an endorsement of Congressional candidate Glen Urquhart that appeared sandwiched between actual news stories on WGMD’s homepage. In the comment section, he’s called out for taking gifts from the candidate and then offering an endorsement, this is his response:

Bill Colley says:
May 11, 2010 at 10:45 am
You betcha. He bought me the ticket because I’m a volunteer media advisor. Who knows, maybe next year a press secretary? My trip to the dinner was an obvious endorsement and meant to signal the party where I stand. You may all remember a far earlier blog post where I offered he was a candidate sharing my views. On other thing you can bet on. I’ll do whatever I can to stop Mrs. Rollins and the entire Castle cabal.

Bill Colley says:
May 11, 2010 at 10:48 am
Oh, and you swell guys need to know Vance Phillips rode to and from the dinner with me. He paid for the tolls.

To even the casual observer, it looks like Bill Colley is using his 4 hour a day radio job and the WGMD homepage to angle for a better job with Glen Urquhart in the event that Urquhart goes (back) to Washington.

His twitter history,which is also proudly displayed on the homepage of WGMD’s website, is more of the same. Check out some of the tweets coming from Colley, the self proclaimed Urquhart Press Secretary hopeful:

Ever watched someone walk into a room and believe you’ve encountered pure evil? It happens when I see Michelle Rollins.
8:42 AM Jul 21st via web

And then there is this one:

How come Michele Rollins’ Bishop hasn’t yet corrected her for bringing Grave Scandal to the Church?
1,283,168,238,000.00 via web

“Grave Scandal”? Speaking of “Grave Scandal” let’s take a look at what Mr. Colley is sending to listeners via his WGMD email account. Someone call his Bishop!

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: billc@wgmd.com
Date: Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: support for O’ D
To: Xxxxxxxxxxxx

Xxxxxxx. Nobody likes a spy. I was nice over the weekend but I always keep my distance from vipers. Fred Silva likes to joke you’re going to choke on all the GOP penises shoved into your mouth all at once. Seriously, what do you get for kissing ass? From what I can see you’ve got one foot in the grave.

The way I see it, my country comes before my party. My children’s future comes before my party.

Only a dog follows without thinking.

This is the e-mail that warranted that disturbing response from Bill Colley using his WGMD e-mail account:

Quoting Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

Hope u enjoyed the pictures of 8/28.
2 years ago after she won the Primary, I supported her. & she never showed
up again down here. I was hoping to see her after the 8/28 as she was to be
there???/ I had to vote prior as I will not be in town on the 14th, & I
voted for HER. I had a meeting with Mike, & well laid out the 9 points of
the Sussex Cointy Party& he has not held to ONE of them & I can not vote for
him, so I did not.

As for the party support, by LAW they have to support her with the ## of
folks & the $$

But please to share that this without my name as I voted prior.

As you can see, the e-mail that Mr. Colley is responding to is hardly inflammatory, and Colley’s response is nothing short of disgusting.

So WGMD’s Bill Colley, who has accepted gifts from the Urquhart campaign and is angling for a job with Glen Urquhart, is using WGMD’s airwaves, e-mail server and website for his campaign of intimidation and vitriol. All with the apparent blessing of WGMD Radio and their sponsors. (“Apparent blessing?” I was being kind, I could have just as easily used “OBVIOUS BLESSING” since most of this has been prominently displayed on WGMD’s homepage.)

This entry was posted in And then there's the Nazi video, C.O.D., Christine O'Donnell, Conservative or Opportunist?, Delaware's Senate Seat, Entitlements, Glen Urquhart, Michele Rollins, Posers, The Grand Old Party. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to WGMD’S Bill Colley: Ugly, Unhinged and on the Record

  1. Cindy Lewis says:

    I have no doubt that WGODs advertisers are behind Colley’s hatefilled rants 110%.

  2. Caroline Bartmann says:

    As religious conservative and listener of Bill Colley’s, I am appalled by these email exchanges. Is this what Jesus would do?

  3. Publius says:

    If Colley is indeed a “media advisor” to the Urquhart campaign, I can’t help but wonder if WGMD is violating federal law by giving free air time to the Urquhart campaign while giving no such time to the Rollins campaign.

    By the way, this is Urquhart’s quote (again) on separation of church and state: “the next time your liberal friends talk about ‘separation of church and state’ ask them why they’re Nazis.” Seems like pretty good fit with Colley.

    Urquhart has no chance in the general election, especially with “friends” like Colley out there.

  4. Picayune says:

    Seriously, Bill Colley professes to be a Christian and writes emails like these? If I were Urquhart, I wouldn’t hire him as my press secretary. I can just see the first press release now: “@#$^& , Urquhart lost the primary?”

  5. cookie says:

    Did Bill Colley just call this guy a cock sucking dog for voting for Michele Rollins?

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